March 7, 2019: Racial Segregation In Nova Scotia Makes The New Act Gross.
Racism lives on in one form or the other. #MyBlackOutPoems @centreforarttapes
March 7, 2019: Racial Segregation In Nova Scotia Makes The New Act Gross.
Racism lives on in one form or the other. #MyBlackOutPoems @centreforarttapes
March 6, 2019: Sexual Assault Was Not Her Olympic Dreams
A quick Google search led me to this: One in five women will be raped at some point in their lives. 51.1% of female victims of rape reported being raped by an intimate partner and 40.8% by an acquaintance. Sad. #MyBlackOutPoems @centreforarttapes
March 5, 2019: Charlottetown Newcomers Remain On The Island
I love PEI. I love my aunt’s cottage there. I love taking the ferry. I love driving on the bridge. Creative people live on the island. Love exists in Charlottetown. No wonder why so many people love the Island. #MyBlackOutPoems @centreforarttapes
March 4, 2019: The Experience From Cannabis Will Take Time
Weed is legal in Canada. There are so many lessons to learn over the next few years. Let’s hope things only get better. #MyBlackOutPoems @centreforarttapes
March 3rd, 2019: Tragedy Struck Hammond’s Plain
March 2nd, 2019: Butterflies Need To Hang Out
If you want to bloom, you need to align yourself to people that bring out the best in you. That is what you need to do in order to bloom and to maintain that bloom. The good people in your life will bring out the best in you so spend time with them and enjoy. #MyBlackOutPoems @centreforarttapes
March 1st, 2019: They Were Married But He Hit Jack 16 Times
Abuse doesn’t always have to be physical. In fact, mental abuse might be worse. If you are being abused, it is ok to leave such a relationship. Remember, you don’t owe anyone any explanation. If you have to leave for your sanity, do that. #MyBlackOutPoems @centreforarttapes
February 28th, 2019: The Message Was Consistent … Take On Gun Control
Guns are dangerous. It is
February 27th, 2019: There’s A Lot of Strategic Stupidity Here
Stupid is as stupid does. #MyBlackOutPoems @centreforarttapes
February 26th, 2019: Three Fishermen Are Safe After They Had To Abandon Ship And Declined To Comment On The Sinking Or The Rescue
There are stories you can share and there are some that you have to keep between the people that experienced it. It’s ok to say “no comment”. There’s no need to put yourself in a comment when you would rather not say anything at all #MyBlackOutPoems @centreforarttapes